Turn-based PvP game HexaDome Tactics is now available in closed beta, you can try it now

What happens if you take the powerful heroes from games like Overwatch and put them into a turn-based strategy game like XCOM? you get Infinite Six Dome Tacticsthat’s it. The upcoming competitive 1v1 game may not be available for a while, but it’s giving you the chance to try it out and help shape its development with a new week-long closed beta.

We’re seeing this more and more these days – multiplayer games choosing to take themselves less seriously, theming themselves in order to be as dynamic and supple as possible. The Finals puts you in a virtual game show, while games like Ghost Split put you in a futuristic bloodsport. Infinity HexaDome Tactics leans more towards the latter – it’s an arena sport where famous players try to win the favor and fans of large crowds of onlookers. It’s a neat concept and allows for a lot of gameplay and design freedom.

In HexaDome Tactics, you form a team of champions, each with different abilities and attributes, and spend action points and resources each turn to allow them to move around a hexagonally tiled arena and perform actions and attacks. You can also choose a team sponsor, which will provide you with more unique buffs and benefits.

While you can be aggressive and eliminate members of your opponent’s team, this isn’t Team Deathmatch – objective points need to be captured and held, and that’s what wins you the game.

With multiple abilities on the field at once, there are plenty of opportunities to take on your opponents and surprise them with their unexpected strategies and combos. Add to that the constant need for tactics as the match progresses, and you’ve got some satisfying strategic gameplay.

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If this all sounds like you, you currently have the chance to play the game early as part of HexaDome Tactics’ latest beta test. This is a closed beta, so you’ll have to request access via Steam, but if you’re allowed in, you’ll not only be able to enjoy it before most other players, but you’ll also be able to provide some valuable feedback to the team at Blindspot Games. There are two new champions and two new game modes to try, so there’s a lot to test out.

The current closed beta of HexaDome Tactics will begin today (Monday, October 21st) and end on Monday, October 28th. You can sign up here If you are interested.

As for when everyone will be able to play HexaDome Tactics, Blindspot says it plans to launch the game in early access in “early 2025.” Until then, here are some other amazing turn-based strategy games you can try. Or, if the hero-shooter atmosphere of HexaDome inspires you, you’ll find plenty of great experiences on our list of the best FPS games.

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By Diana

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